The Kids
The Kids, is a 7-minute short film directed by Kristof Brandl and co-written by Shane Patrick.
Although bookended by two surreal scenes and contemplating VFX, this film is a human story about how the delicate trajectory of a child’s life hinges on their environment during their upbringing. The film cinematically chronicles the conception of a baby boy as we follow his hardships through life, leading up to his inevitable death.
Short Film
The Kids, is an award winning 7-minute short film written by Shane Patrick.
Although bookended by two surreal scenes and contemplating VFX, this film is a human story about how the delicate trajectory of a child’s life hinges on their environment during their upbringing. The film cinematically chronicles the conception of a baby boy as we follow his hardships through life, leading up to his inevitable death.
Montreal electro-pop songstress Charlotte Cardin provided the track from her second EP MAIN GIRL, charging the lyrics with vital emotion. Kristof Brandl co-wrote and directed the film.
Our star-studded team of actors included:
Hubert Proulx - Francis La Haye - Mylène Mackay - Louise Latraverse
-BTS Photography by Gaëlle Leroyer